Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Thing's that you should NEVER Combine .!

In My Opion i think you should wear eyeliner on top of you eye and red lipstick or a very natural color gloss for you lips , i think that would make you look super natural and make you seem you ! (:
If  you wear eyeliner on top and bottom and red lipstick that would just make you look just out there and that's not a very nice look .

Another natural look would have to be only mascara on you eyes , top and bottom and  a very natural and creamy eyeshadow, that's always make you look super pretty and natural !

Monday, February 21, 2011

How do you feel about Red lipstick.?

How do I feel about red lipstick , well lets see i like alot i've never tried it but i think it's cute on certain people like for example red lipstick looks good when you do your make up all natural because that would make you lips go out more , and people would want to try that look on themselves. I also think that if your light skinned the red lipstick well look so much better on them , then dark skinned people because the darker skinned you are the darker your going to look , and with light people your face just goes out and you look super Prettyy (:   -->


Friday, February 18, 2011

How To Apply Mascara

Mascara (Best Mascara)
Eye Lash Curler
Blow Dryer

1. Blow dry your eye lash curler
2. Open the curler and place your upper lashes inside its mouth. Close your eye slightly, then open it; all of the lashes should move into the curler's mouth. Always hold the eyelash curler so that the mouth is parallel to your lashes.
3.Move the curler closer to the eye until the tool comes to the base of the lashes, but not over the skin of the eyelid.
4.Keep the eye open and slowly close the curler., your eyelashes should fan out evenly across the upper bar if you feel pinching, readjust the curler.
5. Hold the closed curler for a slow count of five, keeping your hand and face steady. Repeat for additional volume
6.And repeat this with the other eye.

                                                                                       Now how to apply Mascara on your eyelashes
1.Open the mascara, & rub the end of the mascara applicator on the inside rim of the mascara tube to get excess off.
2.Position yourself comfortably in front of a mirror lean your dominant elbow on a firm surface. With a steady hand, place the mascara wand at the roots of your eyelashes. Gently tug the wand up to the end of your lashes, slightly jarring the wand back and forth to separate the lashes. Repeat across your eyelashes, making sure to get every lash.